Wednesday, 13 December 2006

Welcome to the English Republican

The idea behind this little blog is to provide a space for Republicans, Socialists, Liberals, Libertarians, and anyone else who is interested in English independence, and fed up of all the 'Celt bashing' the rightwing pro-independence movement seem to go in for.

I was born and brought up in England, and I still live here now, however I support the goals of Scottish and Welsh independence and a united Ireland .

In order to achieve an independent England we need to work with the nationalist and republican movements in our celtic neighbours.


Matt M said...

Great idea for a blog.

The left really needs to think seriously about the idea of an English parliament - the issue of direct democracy is too important to be left to any one part of the political spectrum.

William Lovett said...

Well exactly, for me the idea of English self determination is not opposed to internationalism and working class solidarity - Indeed it is integral to it.

Guthrum said...

I am starting a list of Republicans on my bloge- interested in linking ?