Thursday, 14 December 2006

Transistria's president returned to office

Wikipedia article here

The happy chappie is Igor Smirnov of the Respublika party. He has been the President of this internationally unrecognised 'democracy' since 1990.

According to Wikipedia, this little nation despite not really existing has more names than most 'real' countries!

"Other names in use

In Russian, the names used for Transnistria are always consistently either Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublica or Pridnestrovie (the two official names, long- and short- respectively). However, in English a wide variety of names have been used to describe the region, among them: Trans-Dniester, Transdnistria, Transdniestria, Transdniestr, Trans-Dniestria, Transdniester, Transniestria, Transdnestr, also Trans-Dnjestr and Trans-Dnjester.

The government of Moldova refers to the region Stînga Nistrului, which means "Left Bank of the Nistru" although in in the Moldovan Latin script, the official name is Republica Moldovenească Nistreană (which translates to English as "Nistrian Moldovan Republic"). The European Court of Human Rights used the name Moldavian Republic of Transdniestria or Moldovan Republic of Transnistria (MRT), while OSCE and others sometimes refer to it as the Transnistrian Moldovan Republic (TMR). Author Charles King, in his book The Moldovans, uses the names Dnestr Republic and Dnestr Moldovan Republic (DMR)."